Familykenkel learns how to fight the agony of thinning hair with some suggestions from health experts.

Give your scalp a massage. Don’t just stand in the shower, shampoo and rinse. Really massage your scalp which increases blood flow and helps the shampoo do a better job on your hair.
Lessen the amount of styling products being used. This especially important for people that color their hair and use blow dryers, straightening irons or other implements.
Visit a health food store and buy a supplement that helps hair grow. There are a few on the shelves.
Get a check up from the doctor to see if there are any deficiencies in the blood as this is sometimes where hair loss can stem from.
Familykenkel suggests relaxing more. Stress can cause hair to fall out. Try meditation, yoga (it’s doing good things for combat veterans), and rhythmic breathing.
If nothing works, talk to a doctor or dermatologist to see if there is something else to be done.
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