
Cities That Love Their Pets the Most

One could argue that the top 20 cities that spend the most on the pets did not include yours. Familykenkel, headquartered in St. Petersburg, FL did not make the list. However, that does not mean that people here do not love their pets enough to spend most of their income on them.

The list of the top 20 cities was compiled by Amazon for sales on pet products in 2013. The products included items for all kinds of pets. Miami pet owners spent the most money on pet apparel and accessories. Hello, stylish South Beachpooches! Seattlespent the most on pet treats letting us believe that either their pets are the best behaved or just spoiled rotten. San Jose spent the most on horse-related items which leads us to believe that those Silicon Valley execs want the best for their horses. In any case, Familykenkel finds it absolutely wonderful that pet owners think of their animals as their fur kids. We think the same for ours.
1. Miami2. Seattle3. Atlanta4. San Francisco5. Portland, Ore.6. Washington, D.C.7. Las Vegas8. Austin, Texas9. Tucson, Ariz.10. San Diego11. Sacramento, Calif.12. Raleigh, N.C.13. Denver14. Colorado Springs, Colo.15. Baltimore16. San Jose, Calif.17. Albuquerque, N.M.18. Chicago19. Omaha, Neb.20. Virginia Beach, Va.


Power of Super Heroes

Super heroes can make the world better in the smallest and most significant ways.Familykenkel explores how the power of super heroes can make us feel like leaping tall buildings in a single bound.

Children learn to love super heroes from the time they are old enough to watch and understand TV. They learn how super heroes fight for the underdog and they learn how to treat people. Super heroes come in all sizes and shapes from humans to dogs. When kids don the costume of their favorite super hero they feel strength, compassion and powerful. Sometimes they feel powerful enough to battle a deadly disease they have like Miles Scott dressed as Batman. Super heroes can also be dad and moms, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents and siblings.  It doesn’t matter if the super hero is five years old or fifty years old or older.

Familykenkel also realizes that adults like to dress up as their super heroes too. Just ask the thousands of comic book fans who meticulously dress up like their favorites every year for the various Comic Con fests. Everyone wants to feel they are powerful. Sometimes it just takes a Wonder Woman or Thor costume to make us feel that way.


New Renters Need to Know

The National Multi-Family Housing Council statistics on renting paint a picture of how Americas are living today. As of October 2013, thirty-five percent of the population is renting a home. While the majority of renters fall under age 30, there are a good number of renters above that age. Familykenkel shares what new renters need to know.
A rental lease agreement is the binding document between the renter and the landlord or management company. It spells out when the rent is due and how many days late a renter can be before defaulting on the unit. Be sure to read that part of the lease carefully.

In most southern states, if the air conditioner breaks down on days where the temperature is above 80 degrees, the building management or the landlord has 24 hours to get it repaired.

If there is one bathroom in the unit or home and it stops working, the management company or landlord has to have it repaired within 24 hours. All management companies and landlords cannot enter the unit or home unless they give the renter a 24 hour notice to enter.

Renters insurance is relatively inexpensive and protects the renter’s belongings inside the unit or home. Buy it.

Familykenkel encourages renters to go online and research their rights for their state online. Renting is not a bad way to live and gives the renter a little more flexibility than a homeowner. There is no lawn care, no heavy maintenance work to do and sometimes, the neighbors are pretty cool. But always be sure to explore renting from a private owner before renting from a management company. Private owners are a little more flexible in many ways than the corporations.


The Power of Neurlogical Mapping

Q: My son had a terrible early childhood history and constantly tells me he is a bad boy and that nobody loves him. Yet, no matter how much we tell him what a good boy he is or how much we love him, nothing seems to help. How can he continually reject these positive messages?

From the moment a child is born, he is dependent on others to care for him, nurture him, and teach him about the world. This child has no other option but to trust that the information being given to him is the truth. He has no filters...he accepts everything as fact.

For a child who goes through early childhood trauma, he lives in a world of false messages that are absorbed as truth. Everything that is said to him becomes his reality. Everything that is done to him becomes a reflection of who he is.

For example, if a child is emotionally abused and told he is worthless, that he won't amount to anything, or that the parent wishes he was never born, this child's internal belief system develops from these messages. This child believes he is worthless and unworthy. His belief is that he is not lovable and that he should not be on the planet earth. Neurologically, we know that neurons that fire together wire together. So this belief system becomes ingrained and accepted at a deep subconscious and neurological level. These beliefs lay down the neural circuitry that governs how this child behaves and responds to life events.

We then place this child in a different, more loving family. He is told that he is wonderful, that he is good, and that he is loved. The external messages are now in conflict with the internal messages. Which one do you think is stronger and louder? The internal voice of negativity was an earlier and deeper imprint, thus it will be the dominate one.

This creates a profound gap between what others are saying and what the child's internal framework is saying, preventing this child from easily accepting any new messages beyond that which he already knows. The human brain is programmed to reject any belief that is not congruent (not the same) as one’s own view.

Think about this from your own perspective. When someone comes up with a different belief than you have, what is your first reaction? You reject it. You dismiss this person as being on the fringe and you move on, maintaining your own reality in your mind. You might even argue with this person, defending your position in order to "save face" and to protect your own belief system.

Back to the child in this example, the parent then tries to lovingly parent this child and to give this child positive messages of self-esteem and self-worth. Yet, what the parent doesn't realize is that the parent is up against the power of belief--up against the child's neurological mapping. No matter how many times this parent tells his new son, "I love you" or "You are a wonderful child" or similar positive messages, the old belief system of not being worthy and not being good enough continues to prevail. It is as if these messages are impervious to this child. These positive messages simply slide off the child as if there is a Teflon coating.

The reason is that these new messages are being given to the child at a cognitive level and are simply cognitive experiences. Yet, emotions play a powerful role in neural processing, much greater than language and cognition. In order to break through the old negative beliefs of this child, the parent has to dig deep within himself to interact with this child at a deeply profound emotional level. Love has the power to do this.

While the emotion of fear keeps this child locked in this negative belief system, it is also true that the emotion of love will release this child from this negative belief system. It takes parenting this child in a loving, safe, and emotionally available manner. And it won't be just one experience, but several experiences, over and over again, with this child being met at an emotional level, in order for new neural pathways to be created.

Love never fails...it simply takes learning how to love our children from their perspective and going beyond routine cognitive experiences.


How to Save Money at Home

Summer is on the way and with it come higher electric bills as we try to cool our homes. It is also a nice time to spend outdoors and enjoy the better weather. Familykenkel shares some of the ways to save money at home.

  • Close the blinds on windows where the sun is shining through during the day to keep the house, condo or apartment cooler.
  • Invest in a programmable thermostat and use it to raise the temperature when not home.
  • Grill outside instead of using the oven or stove.
  • Check the web for good deals on bundled TV, Internet and cell phone prices. A bundled package can be cheaper than individually priced services and many providers will try to outbid the other ones.
  • Shop local farmer’s markets for produce. It’s better than the store bought variety.
  • Scan local papers for free events in town such as public swimming pools, movie nights and block parties. Take advantage of them.
  • Familykenkel encourages readers to explore free movies with On Demand, or ditch cable altogether and join a video streaming service. There are many good streaming services available now.
Why pay more than you have to? Save money at home and put it toward a cool family summer vacation.


Fitness Series-Yoga

Yoga is an exercise that almost everyone can benefit from. It is a practice that originated in India and it includes breath control, meditation and specific body postures. Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice. 

Many people find inner peace and physical wellness through yoga. Familykenkel did a bit of research on yoga and found out what the benefits are. For more information on exercises like yoga go to 

Forbes Living on the Benefits of Yoga

Flexibility-one of the significant benefits of yoga is flexibility. Many people have trouble touching their toes when they start a yoga class, and within time they not only touch their toes but they are able to do things they never imagined possible. It takes time but after a while you will notice a loosening of the body and poses that once seemed impossible become possible. As your body loosens up you will probably notice certain aches and pains disappearing. 

Strength-one of the benefits of yoga is building strength. As your muscles become stronger you will experience less pain and protect yourself from developing certain health issues. Yoga is especially good for older women and men because it helps keep their muscles strong, which helps with balance. 

Calming-research has found that yoga lowers cortisol levels. It helps calm the mind and teach you how to be present. So many of us are thinking about the past and the future and forget about the present. Yoga helps you get in touch with what is happening now. 

Less Depression-research found that regular yoga practice improves depression and increases serotonin levels. It was found that the left prefrontal cortex showed heightened activity in people who meditate. This heightened activity increased their happiness and immune function.  

Some of the producers of Familykenkel practice yoga on a regular basis and have found all of these benefits to be true. Always check with your doctor before you try a new exercise program though. If you have a stressful job yoga might be the right exercise for you.


Fitness Series-CrossFit

A CrossFit workout isn’t for everyone. If you like a challenging, high intensity workout and you don’t have a lot of time this might be the right workout for you.

CrossFit is a challenging workout that combines aerobics, weight training, gymnastics and more. The idea is to push every part of your body to its maximum performance to become strong and fit. Familykenkel did a bit of research on this type of workout and found quite a few benefits.

Forbes Living on 5 Benefits of CrossFit Training

Intense-if you like intensity you will love this workout. It is fast paced, intense and challenging.  The workout incorporates squats, jogging, weight training, burpees (a type of jumping) and much more.

Endurance-you will increase your endurance, stamina and strength with this type of workout.
Flexibility and Balance-you will notice that your coordination, balance and flexibility are much better.

Get Fit Faster-if you want to get fit fast this is the right workout program. Research shows that interval training (high intensity with active rest) gets better results in a shorter period of time. The research found that this type of exercise routine increases muscle quickly and boosts the metabolism.

Lean Physique-one of the benefits of CrossFit is a lean, beautiful body.

If you like a hard workout with a lot of quick benefits you will probably enjoy this type of workout. The producers of Familykenkel would like to remind you that you should always check with your doctor before you start a new exercise program especially one as strenuous as CrossFit.


Five Part Series on Fitness Programs

When it comes to fitness there are many different types of fitness programs available. Choosing the right one for you depends on your personality and your fitness goals. Many people are involved in more than one fitness program so that they will get maximum benefits. It’s also a good idea to incorporate some type of strength training into a cardiovascular workout. Familykenkel did a bit of research into exercise programs and came up with a few that we think are worthwhile. This is a great website to get fitness and nutrition tips.

We have created a five part series on several different types of workout programs with various benefits.

Familykenkel on Some of The Top Exercises Programs 

CrossFit-this is a cardiovascular and strength training workout. CrossFit is a program that builds strength and stamina through challenging workouts. This is for the person who likes a hard core workout.

Yoga-yoga is good for many things including stress management, flexibility, muscle tone and strength, lowers blood pressure and much more.

Pilates-Pilates increases range of motion, flexibility, circulation, posture, core strength and much more.

Strength Training-strength training is good for everyone. It strengthens the muscles in your arms, back, shoulders, legs and core. When you have strong muscles you tend have less pain and injuries.

Spin Classes-this is great for losing weight and building stamina. You work out on a stationary bike with various tension levels. You will tone muscles, burn calories, relieve stress and increase endurance.

This five part series on fitness will take a more in-depth look at these exercises. The producers of Familykenkel wanted to give our viewers information on different exercise programs so that they could pick one or more that would fit their needs. Keep in mind that before you start any exercise programs you should consult a doctor first. Take a look at one of our favorite exercise websites for more workout ideas.


Beauty Series Part V-Sun Protection

One of the most important things you can do for your skin is protect it from the sun. Spending a lot of time in the sun can cause brown spots, scaly spots, dry skin, wrinkles and skin cancer.

The best thing you can do is stay out of the sun but if you do go in the sun make sure you protect your skin. You need to protect your skin from the sun even when you’re going to the mailbox or walking your dog. Familykenkel did a bit of research on sun protection and came up with these tips.

Familykenkel Shares Tips on Sun Protection

Sunscreen-it is very important to wear sunscreen. You want to wear sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least 15. Make sure you spread it on thick. You should wear waterproof sunscreen if you will be swimming.

Wear a Hat-when you’re out in the sun make sure you wear a wide brim hat. This type of hat will protect your face, ears, head and your neck.

Stay in the Shade-look for a shady spot to sit in. This is especially important during midday hours.

Wear Sunglasses-you should purchase sunglasses that block both UVA and UVB rays.

Another important thing you can do to protect your skin is stay away from tanning salons. They are known for causing skin cancer and accelerating the aging process. The producers of Familykenkel suggest you consider getting a spray tan instead.  


Beauty Series Part IV-Masks and Exfoliators

Part of a good beauty regimen is exfoliating the skin and using facial masks. When you exfoliate you are getting rid of dead skin cells. This is especially important as you get older because skin cell turnover is slower and dead skin cells are what make skin look dull. Keep in mind that when you exfoliate you should exfoliate your entire body at least once a week and your face about three times a week.

When you make your own products you benefit in a couple of ways. Many masks and exfoliators are quite expensive but making your own can be very inexpensive. The other benefit is that you will know exactly what is in the product. You don’t have to worry about chemicals and preservatives because you are creating it yourself from natural foods found in your own kitchen. Familykenkel did a bit of research and came up with a few masks and exfoliators that will make your skin glow. 

Familykenkel on Homemade Masks and Exfoliators

Olive Oil and Brown Sugar-this is a great exfoliator for your face and body. You should use brown sugar that is less course and a good olive oil. Poor about a ¼ cup of olive oil in a bowl and then add the brown sugar until it becomes a paste. Then rub the mixture on your face and body in the shower. Your skin will feel silky soft afterwards.

Avocado and Honey-avocados are full of vitamins and nutrients that are good for the skin. This mask is best for people who have sensitive and dry skin. This type of mask can help acne and dry skin issues like eczema. You can use this on you face and body. Take a room temperature avocado and mash it up until it is a creamy texture. You can add a teaspoon of honey to give it a bit more of a sticky texture. Place the mixture on your face for about 10 minutes and then wash it off. Your face should feel soft and supple.

Oatmeal-oatmeal is a good exfoliator and it helps to soothe the skin as well. Take a cup of oatmeal and add warm water until it becomes a paste. The put it on clean skin and rub it in for a few minutes. For an extra benefit you can leave the oatmeal on your face for 10 minutes. Your skin will be soft and beautiful. Oatmeal is great for sensitive, red skin. It helps soothe away the redness of your skin.

Banana-this is another great moisturizing facial for sensitive skin. Take a ripe banana mash it up into a paste and put on your face for about 10 minutes. You face should feel moisturized and soft afterward.

The producers of Familykenkel think it’s a good idea to use a facial mask at least once a week for the best results. Make sure you clean your face before you use an exfoliator or facial mask. It’s also a good idea to put these masks on our neck as well. 

Five Part Series on Skin Care and Beauty

You can have beautiful skin at any age as long as you take care of yourself from the inside out. Familykenkel has put together a five part series on skin care and beauty secrets. We will share tips on what to eat, the type of products to use and how exercise affects your skin as well.

When it comes to skin care it is important think about the products you are using on your skin and the foods you eat. Certain foods will make your eyes and face look puffy while others give your skin a nice glow. In this this five part series the producers of Familykenkel have come up with several tips in various areas of skin care. You will find out ways to make your skin glow, feel and look soft and how protect it.

Familykenkel Shares Skin Care and Beauty Tips in a Five Part Series

Cleansers and Moisturizers-you will learn about the different types of cleansers and moisturizers on the market and which ones work best for each skin type and why. for Beautiful Skin-beautiful skin begins with health and the food you eat. We will give you a list of the super foods for beautiful skin and how they improve the texture and appearance of skin.

Exercise and Skin-exercise has a direct effect on the skin. This article will explain why exercise is good for your skin and what the many benefits are.

Ingredients that Work Best-we will share some of the natural ingredients that help acne, dry skin, wrinkles and various skin conditions.

Homemade Masks and Exfoliators-there are many skin care masks and exfoliators that you can create from the ingredients in your own kitchen. Not only will you save money by creating your own products but you will know exactly what you are putting on your skin.

Protecting the Skin-this article will describe the different types of sunblock on the market as well as other ways to protect your skin from the sun and air.