
How to Save Money at Home

Summer is on the way and with it come higher electric bills as we try to cool our homes. It is also a nice time to spend outdoors and enjoy the better weather. Familykenkel shares some of the ways to save money at home.

  • Close the blinds on windows where the sun is shining through during the day to keep the house, condo or apartment cooler.
  • Invest in a programmable thermostat and use it to raise the temperature when not home.
  • Grill outside instead of using the oven or stove.
  • Check the web for good deals on bundled TV, Internet and cell phone prices. A bundled package can be cheaper than individually priced services and many providers will try to outbid the other ones.
  • Shop local farmer’s markets for produce. It’s better than the store bought variety.
  • Scan local papers for free events in town such as public swimming pools, movie nights and block parties. Take advantage of them.
  • Familykenkel encourages readers to explore free movies with On Demand, or ditch cable altogether and join a video streaming service. There are many good streaming services available now.
Why pay more than you have to? Save money at home and put it toward a cool family summer vacation.

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