
Beauty Series Part IV-Masks and Exfoliators

Part of a good beauty regimen is exfoliating the skin and using facial masks. When you exfoliate you are getting rid of dead skin cells. This is especially important as you get older because skin cell turnover is slower and dead skin cells are what make skin look dull. Keep in mind that when you exfoliate you should exfoliate your entire body at least once a week and your face about three times a week.

When you make your own products you benefit in a couple of ways. Many masks and exfoliators are quite expensive but making your own can be very inexpensive. The other benefit is that you will know exactly what is in the product. You don’t have to worry about chemicals and preservatives because you are creating it yourself from natural foods found in your own kitchen. Familykenkel did a bit of research and came up with a few masks and exfoliators that will make your skin glow. 

Familykenkel on Homemade Masks and Exfoliators

Olive Oil and Brown Sugar-this is a great exfoliator for your face and body. You should use brown sugar that is less course and a good olive oil. Poor about a ¼ cup of olive oil in a bowl and then add the brown sugar until it becomes a paste. Then rub the mixture on your face and body in the shower. Your skin will feel silky soft afterwards.

Avocado and Honey-avocados are full of vitamins and nutrients that are good for the skin. This mask is best for people who have sensitive and dry skin. This type of mask can help acne and dry skin issues like eczema. You can use this on you face and body. Take a room temperature avocado and mash it up until it is a creamy texture. You can add a teaspoon of honey to give it a bit more of a sticky texture. Place the mixture on your face for about 10 minutes and then wash it off. Your face should feel soft and supple.

Oatmeal-oatmeal is a good exfoliator and it helps to soothe the skin as well. Take a cup of oatmeal and add warm water until it becomes a paste. The put it on clean skin and rub it in for a few minutes. For an extra benefit you can leave the oatmeal on your face for 10 minutes. Your skin will be soft and beautiful. Oatmeal is great for sensitive, red skin. It helps soothe away the redness of your skin.

Banana-this is another great moisturizing facial for sensitive skin. Take a ripe banana mash it up into a paste and put on your face for about 10 minutes. You face should feel moisturized and soft afterward.

The producers of Familykenkel think it’s a good idea to use a facial mask at least once a week for the best results. Make sure you clean your face before you use an exfoliator or facial mask. It’s also a good idea to put these masks on our neck as well. 

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