
Why Newer and Better Food Labels Matter

Familykenkel is loving the new look to food labels which consumers will see at the store soon. They are easier to read and replay the nutritional information we want and need, rather than what the food manufacturer wants.

The USDA published a report last month that showed 42% of working-age adults between ages 29 and 68 look at food labels in the store. More than 50% of those older than 68 did the same thing. As Americans become more concerned with what we are eating and how much we are eating, the more we will read a food label.

The good news is that each bottle, box, bag, can or package of something will be labeled with the serving size, how many servings in the container, the calorie count and the amount of added sugar. These are the main items we look at when we scan a food label. From the sample above, the most important information is better organized, larger and displayed in a more logical way to read. The most valuable information about the new food labels is that the calorie count for the entire package will be displayed on the label. This way, we will know how many calories we’re drinking in a 20 ounce bottle or how many calories we are eating in small package of cookies and more.


Welcomes National Nutrition Month in March

Familykenkel welcomes National Nutrition Month in March. For many health and wellness followers, it lasts all year.

The theme for this year’s NNM is "Enjoy the Taste of Eating Right.” It highlights that eating healthy and delicious food and meals every day and all month long is not that hard. Eating healthy is affordable, colorful and nutritious. Many good-for-us foods are easy to find in grocery stores. Focus first on what you want to make and then make a list of what you need. Colorful fruits and vegetables are everywhere and add appeal to every meal. Strawberries and blueberries can be cleaned and put in small bowls so kids can sprinkle them on cereal, yogurt, waffles and pancakes. Peppers can also add variety to a meal since they come in several colors and flavors.

Portion sizes have grown to be way too large for the average American. The normal size should be half of what we are eating now. When setting the table for a meal, downsize the plate to a smaller one. When visiting a restaurant, divide the food in half and ask for a carry-out box for half of it.

Familykenkel suggests hiding the salt shaker and finding spice and herb alternatives for it. Buy some inexpensive spice containers and fill them with delicious combinations. Then put them on the table. Take everyone to the store and ask them to pick out their favorite fruits, veggies and other healthful items. Welcome National Nutrition Month into your home by making some small changes the whole family will have no objection to.


How Personalities Factor in Weight Loss

There always seems to be a new twist on how to make weight loss work for us. So we thought we would take a look at how personalities factor in the fight to drop some pounds.

Self-centered people take care of themselves first. This works well in getting fit because they will ask friends to meet after a work out or for a snack later, rather than put off the work out to indulge in camaraderie.

Impulsive folks tend to eat emotionally. Instant gratification does not aid the dieter in losing weight. If we delay it, we tend to be happier people who accomplish more later in life. Familykenkel suggests deliberately staying away from the food or buffet tables at parties and events. Snack a little before leaving and drink lots of water to feel fuller.

Reliable people will stick to a plan to lose weight until the end. But they will also focus on food. To avoid the pitfalls, create a plan to add exercise into every day tasks. Make that meal plan and grocery shop one day a week for everything needed.

Easy going people also tend to be people pleasers. If someone is not happy with them, they will find food to comfort themselves. Familykenkel suggests taking it easy and just go with the flow of the get fit plan started.

No matter what personality type we are, there are good and bad traits which can sabotage or help us drop unneeded weight. Which type are you?


Goes All Natural Food Shopping at the Grocery Store

Familykenkel seeks out and finds the right food to get at the grocery store.

The truth behind packaging which says it is made from whole grains or is a multigrain product can be deceiving to most shoppers. A whole grain product is one in which a grain keeps all three of its components (the bran, the germ and the endosperm) intact. When food manufacturers strip the bran and germ from the kernel, we no longer get the benefits of that whole grain. In fact, the refined kernel can mess up blood sugar and insulin. Instead, look for a label on the package that says “100% whole” wheat or look for one with a higher percentage of whole grains.

Foods labeled with “all natural ingredients” are really not all natural. An all natural food item contains very few ingredients which are truly natural like eggs, some peanut butters, and some bread. Also, food labeled with “made with real fruit”. Turn the jar or package around and read the label. If you do not see any real fruit on the label, then there is no real fruit in it. And frankly, if the package does not have a significant percentage of real fruit ingredients in it, the manufacturer is lying.

Another misnomer is the “less sodium” marker on some foods. Familykenkel shares that this means that the new version of the food have 25% less sodium than the original version. That doesn’t sound like much of a reduction. Many food packages contain the words “lower sodium” or “lesser sodium” but still pack an unhealthful amount of sodium in the serving size. To avoid eating too much, make your own soup. It is not hard and fairly inexpensive. And of course, the best way enjoy all natural, lower sodium, whole grain food is to buy it in its natural state. Spend more time in the produce section and seek out healthier grain products. Always read the labels.


Slay Dragon Breath Easily

Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, bad breath will offend someone and we won’t know it unless they hold their nose, duck or run away from us. For those times, we offer a few simple solutions for slaying dragon breath.

Slay dragon breathThere is no easy way to let someone you know that they have halitosis—or bad breath. However, there are some easy ways to prevent it in the first place.

  • Take time brush the inside of the mouth and the tongue, back and front when brushing teeth.
  • Buy and use a tongue scraper. This helps remove any bad cells which can cause stinky breath.
  • Use a mouthwash with chlorine dioxide which has been proven to kill the bacteria which causes dragon breath.

Familykenkel urges readers to not feel bad if bad breath is a problem. Eighty million people in the U.S.have halitosis. A visit to the dentist might net some causes and solutions. Test your breath before going out by cupping hands over your mouth and breathing into them. Sniff. How does your breath smell? Still a little ewww? Try gargling and vigorously swishing the mouthwash around in the mouth again. Did you slay the dragon breath?


How to Shop for GMO-free Food

Like it or not, seventy-five percent of the food in the grocery store contains genetically modified ingredients, according to the Center for Food Safety. Familykenkel takes a look at what food is modified and how, as well as offering shopping tips for finding GMO-free food.

A genetically modified tomato
Corn and soybean ingredients and sugar and vegetable oils make up most of the commonly genetically engineered products. And astonishingly, some produce is also heavily modified such as zucchini. So how can the average healthy food shopper know which foods are GMO-free other than spending copious amounts of time reading food labels?

Buy organic food. It may cost a little bit more, but any food which is labeled organic is not legally permitted to have any genetically modified ingredients in it.

Buy food which is labeled “Non-GMO Project Verified.”The Non-GMO Project is a non-profit organization that provides a detailed, voluntary certification process so that food producers can test and verify that, to the best of their knowledge, they have avoided using GE ingredients in their products. 

What to watch for:
Sweet Corn – Most sweet corn sold in stores and farm stands is not genetically modified. But some varieties are so it’s better to get the organic kind.

Salmon – Normal salmon produce growth hormones only in the summer months. But the FDA is currently considering an application for a new kind which produces the growth hormone year round and grows at twice the normal rate. Again, Familykenkel suggests to get the organic variety or buy it fresh from the docks.


Finding the Best Healthy Diet

Do we really know what a healthy diet is? What are the factors that go into a healthy diet?

Many people think that a healthy diet is one which helps a dieter lose weight fast, restricting food intake and upping exercise to the max. But none of this is actually all that healthful. So we decided to take a closer look at what a healthy diet really is and share it.

A healthy diet is one which provides the dieter with a list of healthful nutritious food to eat, meal suggestions and exercises to assist in losing weight and how to do it safely, plus a plan which encourages safe weight loss. The main theme in all healthy diets are adequate calories for the day, lots of fresh fruit, veggies and whole grains, lean protein, non-fat dairy and the occasional treat. The same nutritious staples are needed for kids of all ages. Try introducing new ways to eat the same old items from the produce section such as freezing berries and munching on them as a snack. Once you try it, children may also want to try it.

The Familykenkel advocates for healthy diets over ones that consist of processed foods that come with an unnatural amount of sodium, too much sugar and trans fats. Eating healthy is pretty easy and not all that expensive. Whole grain pasta and rice healthful, good fillers and taste great with sautéed vegetables, low-fat cheese and lean fish or meat. There are an abundance of healthy recipes online too. Experiment to find the dishes the whole family will like.


Fitness Series Part V—Nice Butt

We are at the last part of our five part series on fitness and we decided to work on the butt. There is a lot of focus on this part of the body and you may think you don’t have any control over the way your butt looks. 

That isn’t the case though there are exercises for every part of the body including the butt. These exercises are not that difficult to do or very time consuming, and they work. The producers of Familykenkel suggest these butt exercises for a nice, firm and eye catching butt.

Familykenkel on Exercises for a Nice, Firm Butt

Hip-Lift-this exercise is so easy you can do this on your bedroom floor while you’re watching television. All you need to do is lie on your back on the floor with your arms at your sides and your knees bent with your feet on the floor, then lift your hips toward the ceiling, hold this position for one count, and then lower your hips back down to the floor. You can start with 20-30 lifts and work your way up to 100 a day. 

Toe Taps-lie on the floor with your arms at your sides, lift your feet, bending both knees at a 90 degree angle so that your thighs are perpendicular to the floor. Then slowly tap your left toes toward the floor and then tap your right toes toward the floor. Tap each side for about one minute.

Ball Squats-stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, place a stability ball between the wall and your lower back, then put your hands on your hips, then bend your knees at a 90 degree angle, and make sure they don’t go past your toes and return to your start position. Do about 12 of these a day every other day.


Fitness Series Part IV—Beautiful Legs

We all want sexy, beach worthy legs. The kind of legs that look great in high heels and a dress. Well, there are few exercises that you can add to your fitness program that will give you strong, beautiful legs.

Familykenkel did a bit of research and came up with a few leg exercises that are not difficult and work.

Familykenkel on How to Get Great Legs

Warrior III-this is a yoga move that tightens your legs and your core. Stand with your feet together and then lift up your left leg behind you with a pointed toe and put your body weight on the standing leg. Continue to lift your left leg and begin to drop your head and torso so that they form a straight horizontal line from your head to your toe with your arms at your side. Remain facing down and keep your back as straight as possible. Make sure you don’t lock your right knee and try to center your weight on the middle of your foot. Hold this position for about five breaths and then return to a standing position. Do the same on the other leg.

Chair Squats-this exercise is good for beginners. This is a good workout for your glutes. Begin by standing with your back facing a chair and your feet hip-width apart. Now, while you keep your weight centered on your heels draw in your abs and move forward at the hips and then slowly lower your butt toward the chair. Right before you touch the chair you need to pause and then return to a standing position. You should try to do three sets of 10 repetitions.

Leg Lift-This exercise targets the quads. You will need a chair for this exercise as well. Stand facing a chair and then raise your right leg, knee facing up and foot flexed and then place your heel over the seat. Do not lock your standing knee as you lift your right foot off of the chair, and then straighten it out until you feel your quadriceps. Then as you keep your lifted leg in the air, bend the leg on the floor slightly and then straighten it out again.  You should do ten to fifteen repetitions then switch legs and repeat for one full set. Try to do about three sets.

It is always a good idea to incorporate new exercises slowly into your routine. You don’t want to pull a muscle by doing too much. The producers at Familykenkel have tried these exercises and found that they really work.


Fitness Series Part III—Sexy Arms

Having beautifully toned arms is easier than you might think. A few exercises every other day can turn flabby arms into arms you will be proud to show off. Some women are afraid they will get too bulky if they work their arms but that is not the case. Working out your arms will tone them.

When it comes to fitness you need to set a few goals for yourself. Figure out what you want to work on. Many women like to have toned arms so that they can wear sleeveless dresses and shirts. Familykenkel did a bit of research and came up with a few exercises to strengthen and tone your arms.

Familykenkel on Exercises to Tone up Your Arms

Triceps-sit on a chair with your hands behind you on the edge of the chair and then lift yourself up and down off of the seat. You should do two sets of 10 repetitions.

Push-ups-this is an easy exercise that anyone can do. There are many ways to do this exercise. If you are just beginning you may want to start doing push-ups against the wall. When you feel a bit stronger you can move on to the floor. You can use your knees and then straighten your legs when you feel stronger. You will have to gauge yourself on this one. It can take a bit of time to build yourself up. You should set your goal to doing two sets of 10 repetitions. 

Bicep Curls-you can use 3-5 pound weights for this exercise. Hold the weights in your hands with your arms in front of you and your palms face out. Then you want to bend your elbow and lift the weights up to your shoulder without touching it. Lift the weights for a slow count of 4 and then lower them for a slow count of 4. You should do 12 repetitions.

Make sure you warm up before any exercise routine. When you finish your exercises you should stretch your muscles and cool down. The producers of Familykenkel suggest you try these exercises to tone up your arms. 


Fitness Series Part II—Stunning Shoulders

When you start a workout program it’s a good idea to set a few goals. Think about what your weaknesses are and what you want to work on. Many women like to focus on their shoulders. There is nothing prettier than a woman wearing a sleeveless dress with beautiful shoulders.

There are few exercises you can do to not only improve your shoulders but make them stunning. Familykenkel did a bit of research on this topic and came up with a few tips.

Familykenkel on How to Strengthen Your Shoulders

Dumbbell Lateral Raises-start this exercise with about 3-5 pound weights in each hand. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the dumbbells in each hand with your arms slightly bent and then slowly raise the right arm to your shoulder. Make sure you don’t lock your elbow. Repeat this exercise with your left arm. You should do about 8 to 10 reps per side.

Upright Row-use your 3-5 pound weights for this exercise also. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with a dumbbell in each hand in front of your hips, your palms should be facing your body. Lift your elbows shoulder height and bring the weights in front of your chest. Hold them for 3 counts and then release. Repeat this exercise 8-10 times.

Resistance-Bands-you will need resistance bands for this exercise. Stand on the center of a long resistance band with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then hold one end of the band in each hand at waist level, raise the extended arms in front of your body to chest level with your palms facing down and then slowly lower them. You should do this exercise 8-10 times. 

This is a great starting point toward beautiful shoulders. Try these exercises and then add a few more for a challenge. The producers of Familykenkel suggest you speak with your doctor before you start any new workout programs and start slow.


Five Part Series on Fitness

Staying fit is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. If you are just getting started that’s great we have a few tips and exercises that will help you on your way to a healthy, fit body. Familykenkel did a bit of research on fitness and came up with a few tips for getting started.

Physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for yourself because it reduces chronic disease, improves balance, helps with weight management and it can make you feel better about yourself.  

4 Tips for Getting Started on a Fitness Program

Assess Fitness Level-the first thing you should do is figure out where you’re fitness level is now.  You can do this by recording baseline fitness scores to assess your aerobic and muscular fitness level. 

Fitness Program-the next thing you want to do is figure out what your fitness program is going to be. You should consider the time of day you like to workout, how much time you have and what your fitness goals are.

Fitness Gear-always start with the right athletic shoes. You should pick the shoes for the specific activity you have in mind. Athletic shoes for walking are different than the athletic shoes you would purchase for running.

Monitor Progress-after you have been working out for about six weeks you should retake your personal fitness assessment. This way you will see what your progress level is, which will help you determine whether you are ready to increase weights and distance.  

Keep in mind that starting a fitness program takes time and motivation. If you find you are having trouble staying motivated ask a friend to workout with you. You can also take a fitness class, which will force you to workout at a specific time every week.

The producers of Familykenkel suggest you speak with your doctor before starting any fitness program. Once you get the green light start your new program and get ready to feel and look your best. 


Frostbite Information

Frost bite is affecting more people across the country as winter weather is stronger and digging deeper in to the South. Familykenkel shares valuable information about frost bite including how to prevent it as winter drags on for another 6 weeks or more.

What is frost bite and how do we get it?
When our body is exposed to the cold, it tries to preserve heat by sending blood way from the extremities and toward the body’s core. The small blood vessels in the ears, cheeks, fingers, tows and nose will clamp down to prevent blood from going there. Those areas then become cold and the water in those tissues begins to freeze. Depending on how cold it is and how frigid the wind chill factor is – tissue damage can occur in five minutes of being exposed to the cold.

Preventing Frost Bite
  • Layer clothes loosely which creates pockets of air which in turn warms the body.
  • Keep a blanket, warm hat, mittens and a spare pair of extra warm socks in your vehicle during the winter.
  • Throw vanity out the door and always wear a hat that covers the ears and a scarf that covers most of your face if out in the elements.
  • If your vehicle breaks down, Familykenkel recommend calling for emergency road service and wait inside your vehicle.
  • If you must abandon your vehicle and walk to safety, use every possible item in the vehicle that can keep your extremities warm and safe from frost bite.

Frostbite Signs
  • Tingling followed with numbness, swelling, aching or burn-like blisters.
  • Go inside and stay inside. Remove cold or wet clothes or jewelry that touch the affected area and soak it in warm water and be sure to circulate water and avoid rubbing the skin until the skin softens and sensation returns.
  • Wrap the affected area in a sterile bandage and check for signs of hypothermia.
  • Check to see if the affected area has any discoloration, has hardened or lost sensation. If so, head the emergency room.


Emotional Eating

Who’s to blame for the emotional food binging you indulged in? Familykenkel learns that is the same person we blame most things on.
A recent study by University of Illinoisresearchers, published in the Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, found that a mom’s relationship with her own mother may be a key factor in whether the youngest generation becomes obese. More American kids who are obese at age 5 have a predilection to be obese as an adult.  Moms who have an insecure relationship with their own mothers will are more likely to pass on unhealthy eating patterns than those with a better attachment and relationship.

The Familykenkel learns that it’s not always okay to blame mom for everything gone wrong in your life. But the study points out that the more insecure she is the more likely she will serve her child and children meals which are not healthy and can later produce obesity. One way to avoid this is to keep unhealthy foods out of the house. It might also be a positive approach to take frustration or hurt feelings outside and walk them off. This is a healthier way to battle emotional eating than comforting yourself and child with processed foods high in sugar and salt.


Most Secure Large Cities in the U.S.

Where do you want to live today? The States offer many great small to large cities which we call home. Some are safer than others, though. Familykenkel shares the list of Most Secure Places to Live in the U.S., from the latest Farmers Insurance Group of Companies.

The criteria for the list includes:
Economic stability, crime statistics, extreme weather, risk of natural disasters, housing depreciation, foreclosures, air quality, environmental hazards, life expectancy, motor vehicle fatalities, and employment numbers. Keep in mind that the survey ranked large cities with populations over 500,000. 

The top five cities are:
1. Bethesda–Gaithersburg–Frederick, Md.
2. Grand Rapids–Wyoming, Mich.
3. Pittsburgh, Pa.                                                         
4. Austin–Round Rock, Texas
5. Cambridge–Newton–Framingham, Mass.

When looking at the complete list, Familykenkel sees three cities in Texas, three cities in California (two of which are in the Bay area), and two cities in Massachusetts. It is also notable that the top five cities have a positive employment outlook and affordable costs of living. If relocating to find work is in your future, why not take a closer look at what is available in your field for each of the cities on the list that interest you?  Families will find that there is great variety of activities for everyone to enjoy from the arts to outdoor fun. One other thing to consider might be finding a place to live outside of the city listed. Often, the commute is not that long and housing prices might be lower. 

If not planning a move, see if your city made the list. If it did, brag about it on social media. (Way to go Pittsburgh, PA!)


List of Mini Running Marathons

A lot of women whose children are out of the house find new challenges and excellent benefits from running, swimming and biking in the mini races and half marathons. Familykenkel shares a few half marathons being held this spring across the country.

A spring race is supposed to be a pleasant one. The weather is more mild than winter and hopefully there will be less precipitation. From the East Coast to the West Coast, the races below offer great views, exceptional physical challenges and cool cities in which they are held.

Rock 'n' Roll USA Mini Marathon 5K, Washington, D.C. – March 15
Mini Marathon runners get all the same perks as marathon and half-marathon runners, including a finisher medal, gear bag, t-shirt and access to all post-race celebrations. The finish line holds a nice surprise too.

BolderBoulder 10K, Boulder, Colo. – May 26
Runner’s World calls this race “America’s All-Time Best 10K” because this race is more than the 6.2 mile rush through the city, which by itself is pretty nifty. It isthe third largest timed road race in the country, complete with an entertainment-lined course that features live music and belly dancers, slip 'n' slides and surprise beer-and-bacon stops. Refreshments and free massages await runners at the Folsom Field finish line.  Oh, and BolderBoulder runners get bragging rights for conquering a peak elevation of about 5,391 feet around Mile 4 at the top of Casey Hill. The race's motto: "Sea level is for sissies." Gotta get that t-shirt.

St. Jude's Country Music Rock 'n' Roll Marathon, Nashville – April 26
The race, mini or full marathon, takes contestants past some of the city’s famous landmarks. All runners are welcomed at the Finish Line Festival and Concert and to stay and party in many of the most fun honky tonk bars.


What We Learned from the Super Bowl

Millions of people around the world watched Super Bowl 48 on February 2 as the underdog Seattle Seahawks whipped the Denver Broncos. Familykenkel learned a few things from watching the game and shares them.

Goals are reachable. Seattleworked hard to get to the Super Bowl and no one on the team believed they didn’t belong there.
The underdog can win. Though they were not projected to win the big game, the Seahawks immediately grabbed the game by the Broncos’ horns and ran the ball all the way down the field for a touchdown in the first 12 seconds of the game.

Even though the NFL banned head butting, players’ heads were slammed in the ground, butted with shoulders, and bounced off the frozen field. We asked ourselves all night long if those football helmets are the best in the country at protecting brain injury from head trauma.

Every single person counts no matter who they are.  Denver QB Peyton Manning showed the world how gracious he is even after a crushing loss to stop and sign autographs for several fans waiting in the stadium hallway. Familykenkel noticed that Manning did not bypass one single person who asked for an autograph. Right down to the stadium beer vendor who was the first to ask for an autograph.