
Best Super Foods of Fall

Look no further than the local farmer’s market, organic market or super market for the best super foods of fall that Forbes Living TV is pleased to share.

Apples, without doubt, are a terrific super food rich in vitamins and fiber. No matter which variety you like, they are plentiful this time of year.

Brussels sprouts may be on the avoid list of veggies but roasted with a little garlic, a spritz of olive oil and a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese, they are truly divine. They are also chock full of iron.

Pears, if you please, can be eaten as it, baked or roasted. They are juicy and sweet and supply a good amount of vitamin C.

Cauliflower is an inexpensive vegetable which can be steamed, broiled or mashed up to make a healthier “mashed potato” dish. It has qualities which can lower cholesterol, prevent cancer and contains a lot of Vitamin C.

Squash has a thicker skin than its summer cousins so it is sweeter and can be stored longer. They are in abundance in the produce section right now. Sprinkle some ginger and cinnamon on it.

Pumpkin is a popular winter squash that is full of fiber, potassium and Vitamin B. Buy a ripe one, slice it and roast it. Cool and cut into cubes to peel. familykenkel loves it in soup and smoothies. You can also buy canned pumpkin and use it the same way if wanting to take the easy way out. Enjoy the super fruits and veggies of fall!

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