Wedding season is coming soon and with it come the usual stories of family and guests gone bad. Familykenkel has a few suggestions on wedding etiquette for everyone who is invited and attends.
An open bar does not mean all-you-can-drink-and-not-tip the bartender. Know your alcohol limit and don’t go over it. Always tip the bar tender.
If asked about the food you may not have liked, just say it was good. A review of why you didn’t like it is not necessary.
Keep to the schedule. Schedules are set up for a reason: to get everyone to the church on time, start the wedding and reception on time and not stress the bride out on her day. Be conscientious of other people and don’t be late.
Familykenkel has to say: keep speeches short and sober. A long, drawn-out, overly dramatic speech is not only uncomfortable for everyone to watch but annoying. And before we forget – five minutes is considered too long. Write it out and don’t wing it. Stick to one main point and be gracious. This is no time for a roast.
Finally, buy a gift from the wedding registry. Please don’t “be original” and buy something else. The items on the registry are things the bridge and groom want and need. If you feel you would rather get them something else, give them cash to use on their honeymoon.
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