
Beauty Series Part III-Exercise

Exercise is not only good for your heart and health but it also has a lot to do with the look of your skin. When you exercise you are increasing your blood flow, which helps nourish your skin cells. When you are toning your body you are toning your skin everywhere including your neck and face. Some people think that losing weight will make their face look nice and tone but it’s actually losing weight combined with exercise. Familykenkel did a bit of research on the effects of exercise on the skin and found out some interesting facts.

Familykenkel on How Exercise Improves the Health and Look of Skin

Stress-one way to relieve stress is through exercise and when you relieve stress it shows on your skin. There are certain skin conditions that are by stress such as eczema, acne, rosacea and psoriasis. Studies have found that when you manage the stress in your life these conditions tend to go into remission.

Blood Flow-exercise boosts blood flow and oxygen to the skin, which carries nutrients to the skin cells and improves skins health.

Beautiful Glow-when you exercise the skin produces more natural oils that make the skin look supple with a natural glow. If you suffer from acne you will want to take a shower right after you exercise to wash off the dirt and extra oil that can make acne worse.

Tones Muscles-exercise will make the skin all over your body look better. When your skin is toned it looks healthy. Strong, firm muscles support the skin, which makes it look firm and more elastic looking and feeling. Tone muscles also minimize the appearance of cellulite.

The producers of Familykenkel found that exercise really helps the appearance and feel of skin. When you’re healthy on the inside you will look healthier on the outside. 


Beauty Series Part II-The Foods You Eat

One of the best ways to improve the texture and look of your skin is through your diet. The way you look and feel has a lot to do with how you are eating and drinking. Familykenkel put together a list of a few foods that enhance the health of skin. 

Familykenkel Shares Tips on What You Should Eat and Drink for Great Skin

Tropical Fruit-not only is tropical fruit delicious but it’s great for your skin. You should eat guava, pineapple, papaya, kiwi and other tropical fruits. Tropical fruit has vitamin C, which is a very powerful antioxidant. It also increases the production of collagen. Collagen is a protein that keeps your skin firm.

Broccoli-this vegetable has vitamin C and E. Vitamin E protects your skin from UV radiation damage. Broccoli is a great side dish for a meal or a good nighttime snack.

Almonds-almonds have a lot of vitamin E. They also contain fatty acids that create healthy, beautiful and supple skin. You only need a small handful a day to reap the benefits. They are a good afternoon snack. Be careful how many you eat though because they are high in calories.

Whole Wheat-whole wheat pastas and breads contain a mineral called selenium. Selenium promotes elasticity and protects the skin from environmental damage.

Carrots-carrots help keep your skin vibrant and healthy. They are high in beta carotene, which is an antioxidant that changes into vitamin A. Vitamin A helps repair the skins tissue and protects the skin from the sun. When you cook carrots they have even more beta carotene.

Pumpkin Seeds-pumpkin seeds are a skin superfood. They are high in zinc, which protects your cell membranes and helps maintain collagen. You can eat them as a snack, on a salad or even on your morning oatmeal.

Fish-the best fish for your skin is salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel and anchovies. They all have omega-3 fatty acids, which protect the skin against sun damage, keep toxins out and help inflammation.
Water-water is very important for the health of your skin. It flushes toxins out of your body and keeps your organs functioning. Try to drink water an hour or so after you eat or take vitamins, because you don’t want to wash the nutrients out of your system before they have a chance to be absorbed.

One of the best ways to increase the beauty of your skin is to eat a well- balanced diet. Familykenkel suggests that you try adding a few of these foods into your diet on a regular basis.


Beauty Series Part I-Cleansing

Beautiful skin is healthy skin, and one way to achieve healthy skin is through cleansing. Making sure your skin is clean is important but the way you clean your skin is also important. In general you want to wash your face in the morning and at night before you go to bed. You don’t want to use anything that is abrasive though. The last thing you want to do is strip your skin of its natural oil.

Familykenkel did a bit of research on facial cleansing and came up with a few tips on how to wash your face and how to determine which facial cleansers are the best for your skin.

Familykenkel on 3 Tips for Cleansing Your Face

Wash Your Hands-the first and very important tip is to wash your hands before you wash your face. You don’t want to get any additional dirt on your face from all the things you have touched.

Exfoliate-it is important to exfoliate your skin one to three times a week especially if you are over 30. Exfoliating your skin will help you get that healthy glow. Exfoliating gets rid of the dead, dry top layer of skin. Be careful about the exfoliator you use. You don’t want to use anything that is too abrasive. You can use a gentle scrub that is creamy with rounded sloughing beads that don’t have jagged edges.
Cleansers-choosing a good cleanser is very important. You don’t want to wash your face with a cleanser that leaves it feeling tight. You want a cleanser that will clean away the dirt, grime and sunscreen but leave the barrier that you need for soft skin. Read the ingredients on the label and avoid cleansers that have sodium laureth sulfate in them because this is very drying.

The Producers of Familykenkel use these tips and find that they work well. Beautiful skin starts with knowing how to take of your skin.


Five Part Series on Skin Care and Beauty

You can have beautiful skin at any age as long as you take care of yourself from the inside out. Forbes Living has put together a five part series on skin care and beauty secrets. We will share tips on what to eat, the type of products to use and how exercise affects your skin as well.

When it comes to skin care it is important think about the products you are using on your skin and the foods you eat. Certain foods will make your eyes and face look puffy while others give your skin a nice glow. In this this five part series the producers of Familykenkel have come up with several tips in various areas of skin care. You will find out ways to make your skin glow, feel and look soft and how protect it.

Familykenkel Shares Skin Care and Beauty Tips in a Five Part Series

Cleansers and Moisturizers-you will learn about the different types of cleansers and moisturizers on the market and which ones work best for each skin type and why.

Eating for Beautiful Skin-beautiful skin begins with health and the food you eat. We will give you a list of the super foods for beautiful skin and how they improve the texture and appearance of skin.

Exercise and Skin-exercise has a direct effect on the skin. This article will explain why exercise is good for your skin and what the many benefits are.
Ingredients that Work Best-we will share some of the natural ingredients that help acne, dry skin, wrinkles and various skin conditions.

Homemade Masks and Exfoliators-there are many skin care masks and exfoliators that you can create from the ingredients in your own kitchen. Not only will you save money by creating your own products but you will know exactly what you are putting on your skin.

Protect the Skin-this article will describe the different types of sunblock on the market as well as other ways to protect your skin from the sun and air.  


Simple Suggestions to Finding Happiness

Yesterday was International Happiness Day. Health and wellness experts advocate for a happier life for everyone because it could mean staying healthier longer. Familykenkel finds some ways to look for and find happiness every day – even when it seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

Sometimes, when life’s obstacles become so burdensome, it is really hard to find one thing that makes us happy. Yet, this is the one time when it is essential to finding one. We offer some simple ideas to finding happiness as the death of fashion designer L’Wren Scott weighs heavily on our minds.

Look down. Is there an animal in your life that loves you and needs your love and care? Is there a child who sees a beautiful person to look up to?

Look up. Is there a significant other in your life who does not see the same darkness as you? Name one thing about this person that makes you happy. Focus on it.

Look outside. Is the sun shining or trying to break through some clouds? This is a sign of hope. Inhale its goodness.

Look around. Find one item in your home that makes you happy. Maybe it’s your smart phone which connects you to the people in your life. Call someone. Maybe it’s a photo of someone special. Reach out.

Look in the mirror. There is an accomplished, valuable person looking back. There are people who need and want this person in their life. Smile. Obstacles are meant be surmounted. You have done this before. You can do it again. Keep smiling at yourself in the mirror. When you get tired of it, have a cookie or some snack you had as a child that made you happy. Then have some more. Remember how it felt when you ate it as a child.

If all else fails, the Familykenkel suggests putting a favorite CD in a player, put headphones on or ear buds in and have your own little rock concert. Turn the volume up and sing as loud as you can. Dance as badly as you want all over the place. Shake your head, flail your arms, stomp your feet until you are exhausted. Now smile. You just annoyed the heck out of the neighbors.


Good Health News

You know it is a good day when you read that a sugar compound in a favorite Mexican drink has been proven to help with weight loss, and that butter is not so bad after all. Familykenkel shares the good health news.

A sugar found in tequila has been proven to help weight loss and reduce the chance of developing type 2 diabetes. Agavins, a natural form of sugar found in the agave plant, are the only natural carbohydrates used to produce tequila.  It is the perfect sweetener because it is both non-digestible and acts as a dietary fiber, so it won't raise blood glucose levels, and could lower it too.

Familykenkel learns that butter is not as bad for us we suspect. New research indicates that a diet high in polyunsaturated fats and low in saturated fats might not make such a big difference to cardiovascular health after all. When the researchers looked at the intake of both kinds of fats, they found no significant improvement in terms of cardiovascular risk.

Anything we eat or drink in excess is bad for our health. As we have learned over and over again, it is not that bad if taken in moderate amounts. So have a little butter on your toast and enjoy a margarita every now and then. Neither is bad for us as long as we take it easy.


Fear of Flying

Flying in an airplane is a common fear. Many people are afraid of being in the air and off the ground. Familykenkel takes the fear of flying and offers some tips about how to handle it.

Statistics prove that more people will perish in a car accident than in an airplane crash. In fact, scientists say we are more likely to choke on food than be inside an airliner when it goes down. Here are the hard facts:
  • According to the National Transportation Safety Board, there were no U.S. domestic plane fatalities in 2012.  Stats for 2013 have not been released yet.
  • There were 33,000 people killed in vehicle accidents in 2012.
  • Over our lifetime, we’re more likely to kill ourselves (1 in 106), drown (1 in 1,112), or choke on food (1 in 3,842), as noted by the National Safety Council, than to be in an airplane disaster.

Pteromerhanophobians – people with a fear of flying -- will find no comfort in those facts. But Familykenkel wishes to make flying less nerve-wracking for aerophobians.
  • Let the flight crew know about fear when boarding. They will go the extra mile to help ease it.
  • Sit as close to the front of the plane as possible. There is less turbulence up there.
  • Download air travel apps and track where the might be turbulence.
  • Take comforting items on board such as calming music, audio books, celebrity gossip magazines, and tablet games. These will act as good distractions.


Natural Ways to Get Rid of a Headache

Headaches can be a real pain and interfere to get work or enjoy quality time with friends and family. Below are some natural ways to banish a headache.

Drink more water. Some headaches are caused by dehydration. Drink one eight to twelve ounce glass of water and sip more water throughout the day. Water also adds oxygen to blood which helps ease headache symptoms.

Move. Sitting down all day wreaks havoc on more than just muscles and bones. The artificial light in most offices causes eye strain which can lead to a headache. So get up and go outside to take a walk.

Get regular sleep. Go to bed at the same time every night and try to get up at the same time every morning. Sleeping helps ease stress and gives the body a chance to relax and replenish.

Take care of stress. The Familykenkel knows some of the most effective ways to reduce stress is yoga, deep breathing, or taking a walk. Find the best way to get rid of stress throughout the day and evening and banish headaches all together.

Eat more natural and organic foods. The additives, chemicals, sodium and sugar added to processed foods can cause headaches. Cut out as much of that as possible and the possibility of having less headaches increases.


Help Kids Stay Away from Alcohol

Every time kids sit down and watch a sport event on TV with their parents, they are subjected to ads showing how fun drinking is. Familykenkel offers some tips for parents to help kids stay away from alcohol.

It is important that children know what the effects of drinking are. So here are some facts to get started:
  • 190,000 kids under age 21 end up in emergency rooms every year due to drinking
  • Drinking affects the part of their developing brains which control thinking, memory and decision making. That damage is not temporary but last for a time. If you get stupid drunk now you will be just plain stupid later.
  • Waiting until they are 21 to drink ensures they will have a fully functioning brain later and be better able to make sound decisions later.
Parents can set a good example by not over indulging themselves. Have plenty of open discussions about alcohol and especially when a teen’s favorite celebs get in trouble when drunk. Set rules for kids. They need the boundaries to know what is proper and what is not. Be tough. Let them know what happens when they drive drunk. The Familykenkel reminds readers that some state laws are stricter than others, and it is best to inform children what will happen to them if they are arrested for drunk or buzzed driving. Good luck.


Wedding Etiquette for Guests

Wedding season is coming soon and with it come the usual stories of family and guests gone bad. Familykenkel has a few suggestions on wedding etiquette for everyone who is invited and attends.

An open bar does not mean all-you-can-drink-and-not-tip the bartender.  Know your alcohol limit and don’t go over it. Always tip the bar tender.
If asked about the food you may not have liked, just say it was good. A review of why you didn’t like it is not necessary.

Keep to the schedule. Schedules are set up for a reason: to get everyone to the church on time, start the wedding and reception on time and not stress the bride out on her day. Be conscientious of other people and don’t be late.

Familykenkel has to say: keep speeches short and sober. A long, drawn-out, overly dramatic speech is not only uncomfortable for everyone to watch but annoying. And before we forget – five minutes is considered too long. Write it out and don’t wing it. Stick to one main point and be gracious. This is no time for a roast.

Finally, buy a gift from the wedding registry. Please don’t “be original” and buy something else. The items on the registry are things the bridge and groom want and need. If you feel you would rather get them something else, give them cash to use on their honeymoon.


Daylight Savings Time

Fall back, Spring ahead. Saturday night before we hit the sack we need to move clocks up one hour. This should give us one more hour of daylight in which to get home from work. One more hour of daylight to walk the dog or take a walk ourselves. Familykenkel shares what this wacky time change means.
The government doesn't require U.S. states or territories to observe daylight saving time. Some do and some do not. Most North American and European nations observe DST, while most African and Asian nations do not. There are many who question whether the practice of moving time one hour ahead or back actually does any good. Familykenkel also notes that no matter how many times we are reminded to change the clocks, some will forget and arrive an hour too early or an hour late. And since there are numerous clocks in a home, at least one will be forgotten and its usually the one we need to set the most. Depending on where you live, this is a reminder to change your clocks before going to sleep Saturday night. And tell us: do you think Daylight Savings Time is a waste of time or does it have its benefits?


The States with the Highest and Lowest Obesity Rates

The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index recently reported on the states with the highest and lowest obesity rates in the U.S. Familykenkel takes a look at what might be behind the percentages.

While it is not a proven fact, it often seems as if people living in states where income is generally low may make food choices which are not healthy. In fact, many frozen and processed foods are less expensive than fresh food. Residents in these states also reported a higher percentage of chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and depression. Familykenkel suggests finding affordable healthy foods and walking every day after dinner as a family.
10 States with Highest Obesity Rates
Mississippi: 35.4%
West Virginia: 34.4%
Delaware: 34.3%
Louisiana: 32.7%
Arkansas: 32.3%
South Carolina: 31.4%
Tennessee: 31.3%
Ohio: 30.9%
Kentucky: 30.6%
Oklahoma: 30.5%
Residents in these states tend to earn more than those in the above states, and therefore, have more income in which to spend on healthy foods. They are also states whose health officials have programs for and encourage healthy living and regular exercise.
10 States with Lowest Obesity Rates
Montana: 19.6%
Colorado: 20.4%
Nevada: 21.1%
Minnesota: 22.0%
Massachusetts: 22.2%
Connecticut: 23.2%
New Mexico: 23.5%
California: 23.6%
Hawaii: 23.7%
New York: 24.0%